CMPA lauds federal government’s decision to reject flawed CBC licence renewal decision


The federal cabinet’s referral back to the CRTC underscores key role of
independent producers in Canada’s broadcasting system

OTTAWA, SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 – The Canadian Media Producers Association (CMPA) today commended the Minister of Canadian Heritage, Pablo Rodriquez, and the federal cabinet for referring the CBC licence renewal decision back to the CRTC for its reconsideration. As a result, the CRTC will re-evaluate its June 22 decision, which removed a key licence condition requiring Canada’s national public broadcaster to work with independent media producers in the development and creation of Canadian programming.

“We applaud the Minister and cabinet for referring this decision back to the CRTC and reaffirming the vital role that independent producers play in Canada’s broadcasting system, as enshrined in the Broadcasting Act,” said Reynolds Mastin, President and CEO, CMPA. “Indie producers are small and medium-sized business owners, based in cities and towns across Canada, who develop content that reflects the different perspectives and experiences of Canadians; today’s decision will ensure these diverse stories continue to reach audiences from coast to coast to coast.”

The decision from cabinet follows concerns expressed in petitions and letters to government from a range of stakeholder groups, including the CMPA, l’Association québécoise de la production médiatique (AQPM), ACTRA, the Directors Guild of Canada (DGC), the Indigenous Screen Office (ISO), the Black Screen Office (BSO), and the Documentary Organization of Canada (DOC), among many others. The chorus of industry organizations expressed apprehensions about potential precedent-setting implications of the decision, particularly set against the backdrop of Bill C-11 and future licence renewal reviews for other broadcasters.

“It’s also important to note that the appeal process we see playing out today reinforces the invaluable role of the CRTC as a foundational regulatory institution in the Canadian broadcasting system,” added Mastin. “As we continue to urge lawmakers to pass Bill C-11, this decision is a reminder that effective legislation, clear regulations, and an appeal process that ensures alignment between the two, will help Canada’s content sector continue to thrive in an increasingly global industry.”

The Canadian Media Producers Association is the national advocacy organization for independent producers, representing hundreds of companies engaged in the development, production, and distribution of English-language content made for television, cinema, and digital media channels. We work to promote the continued success of the Canadian production sector and to ensure a bright future for the diverse content made by our members for both domestic and international audiences.

For more information:
Gamiela Fereg
Senior Manager, Media Relations & Communications, CMPA

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